Contact Information

  • Elm Before and After School Care (K-4)

    134 Elm Avenue
    (513) 667-4006

  • Hilltop Before and After School Care (K-4)

    425 Oliver Rd.
    (513) 667-4007

  • Vermont Before and After School Care (K-4)

    33 Vermont Avenue
    (513) 667-4008

  • Middle School Before and After School Care (5-8)

    17 Wyoming Avenue
    (513) 667-4141

  • WBASC Administrative Office

    420 Springfield Pike, Suite C
    Wyoming, Ohio 45215
    Office (513) 206-7010

Our Board of Trustees

WBASC is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of professionals from the community and parents of enrolled children. Meetings are held monthly.

You are always welcome to speak with a board member regarding any suggestions or concerns after communicating with both the site administrator and WBASC administration office.

Erin Warman, President

Chrissy Wainscott, Secretary

Kevin Dreyer

Clay Griffith

James Zoller

Mike Grote

Dan Hargraves