Information for Students with Health Conditions
Wyoming Before and After School Care is a licensed childcare provider regulated by the state of Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Specific and detailed documentation is required for all children in our care that have a medical condition. These forms are different from what the school requires.
A Child Medical/Physical Care Plan for Child Care form (JFS 01236) must be completed annually and kept on file at Care After School if your child has a medical condition that requires any of the following. One form per condition is required.
Monitoring the child for symptoms which require staff to take action
Administration of medication or medical foods
Procedures which require staff training
Avoiding specific foods, environmental conditions or activities
If your child carries and/or administers their own emergency medication
Directions on the form must match the prescription label.
The original prescription label must be attached to the medication.
Medications must be in the original container.
If an over-the-counter medication is required, use the same language on the form as the medication bottle (do not write “Benadryl” on the form if it is a generic antihistamine).
Be as specific as possible, do not use vague language such as “as needed”
Multiple medications for the same condition can be included on the same form
See our sample forms for common conditions below for reference.
A doctor’s signature is required only if:
the prescription label is more than a year old,
you have a sample medication, or
the dosage for your child is more than the medication box instructions for their age/weight
Because of our licensing requirements, we cannot accept the same forms that were provided to the school nor can we share medications with the school nurse’s office.
See below for completed sample forms for allergies, asthma, and type 1 diabetes. You may download and edit these forms specific to your student. There is also a blank form available if these conditions do not apply.
Medical-Physical Care Plan Forms
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