Enrollment Information


Annual registration is required for currently enrolled and waiting list families who wish to participate in WBASC the following school year.  There is a $40 non-refundable family processing fee for all currently enrolled and new families; the fee is waived for families currently on a waiting list.

If your child has a medical condition or takes medication during program hours, please see the Health Condition Info page for additional details. 

Enrollment Changes

Prior to the start of a new school year, if you find that you no longer need the services of Wyoming Before and After School Care, the WBASC Administrative Office must be notified in writing by July 14 in order to have your first tuition payment refunded.  No refunds will be made for withdrawal from the program after July 14.

Beginning in August, the WBASC Administrtive Office must be notified in writing by the 14th of the month to withdraw or make schedule changes for the following month. We encourage notification as soon as possible to avoid billing issues. Part-time participants (including 4 day full time participants) may change to full-time only if an opening is available on the desired day.  Please make your request as soon as possible.
Email wyomingbasc@wyomingcityschools.org to request withdrawal.

Enrollment Status Changes
Your WBASC Administrative Office must be notified in writing by the 14th of the month to change your child’s days of attendance for the following month. 

Due to the great demand for full-time spaces, part-time spaces are limited in number. Full-time participants may drop to part-time attendance only if openings for the selected days are available in the designated time spaces. Likewise, part-time participants may change to full-time if an opening is available in the designated full-time spaces. 

Please email our Administrative Office at wyomingbasc@wyomingcityschools.org as soon as possible to request a change. If space in the program permits, the change will be effective the next month.