About Wyoming Before and After School Care

Who We Are

Wyoming Before and After School Care is a self-supporting, non-profit organization operating in the Wyoming School District. We serve families with children in grades K-8 by providing safe, enjoyable and affordable child care. Our student-to-staff ratio never exceeds 18:1. Children are served a snack each day and participate in a variety of age-appropriate, educational, play-oriented activities, including games, sports, arts and crafts, drama, cooking, music, science experiments, special events and more! We are licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. Our program follows the Wyoming Schools’ calendar and does not operate when schools are closed. We offer before care from 6:30 am until 8:25 am; and after school care from dismissal until 6:00 pm.

Our Staff

WBASC staff members are well-qualified specialists who have sincere interest in children and are committed to providing a warm, supportive environment to enhance the child’s self image. Staff members receive training in First Aid, CPR, Child Abuse Recognition and Prevention and the Management of Communicable Diseases. They also complete 6 hours of additional training each school year. A criminal record check and a medical statement is also required of each staff member.   

We Value …

  • a flexible, developmentally-appropriate play and success-oriented curriculum which complements the home and school by encouraging physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth and positive feelings of self worth of students in a group setting.

  • a warm, secure environment designed to encourage decision-making, problem solving, individual expression, and freedom within limits, where children can respect and enjoy each other in a group setting.

  • a competent and caring professional staff who understand and meet the needs of the children in a group child care.

  • frequent and open communication with parents which provides support and encourages involvement.